
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carbo-loading Before a Half Marathon or Marathon

Do you need to go on a precise carboloading diet the week before a marathon or half marathon walk to perfectly load your muscles with the right fuel? Or should you just eat a balanced diet?

The latest thinking is to eat a balanced diet the week before the event, not overeating and not eating too little.? It should have 60-70% carbohydrates.? Those who have been on a weight loss diet should bump up their calories to match their basal metabolic rate the week before the event. You want your muscles to have plenty of stored fuel, but you don't want to eat so much that your digestive system has more than it can handle.

Use extreme caution in what you eat the day before the race, simply to prevent stomach and intestinal symptoms and dehydration.? If you need to go to a pasta party with your teammates, try to schedule it two days before and use the day before to eat bland food (and not too much) and no alcohol or excessive caffeine. If you are sensitive to lactose, avoid milk products the day before your race.? Drink lots of water to be well-hydrated the day before.

View the original article here

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